A Place for Us Part 4
Jane Hunt Writer First Steps
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This is the perfect ending, to what has turned out to be a wonderful story, full of pain and joy, lies and deceit, the stuff of most real families, if we are honest. 'A Place for Us' part four, is poignant but the sadness of the earlier episodes is replaced by acceptance and hope. Martha and her family come to terms with their loss. Through this acceptance, Martha finds her true self, as she strives to reunite her remaining family.
The characters develop in a pleasing way and the younger family members are set to carry on the legacy, with more transparency than their grandparents. The epilogue is the key to the whole story. It explains why the house was so important to David and why Martha wanted to maintain the illusion of the perfect family.
This is a recommended read, from me. It does work as a serial because the characters are memorable but will also be a compelling novel.
I received a copy of this book from Headline via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
My review of A Place for Us Part 1
My review of a Place for Us Part 2